Friday, May 6, 2011

Ooh La La Lemon!

Well Holy Shit!  It's actually spring today!  Seriously.  There's sun and everything.  The temperature is over 60 degrees and we are making things happen.  Like this fat kid entry...on lemons!

First of all, mmmmmmm.  There's something about the tartness of a lemon that makes you feel a little less guilty when it's mixed in your favorite dessert.  I mean, come on, lemon cheesecake totally has to be better for you than chocolate cheesecake, right?  Right....Either way, lemon is lovely.  LOVELY.

Here's some springy-lemon dessert porn just for YOU!

Let's start with something simple, like these lemon squares from Madcap Cupcake.
look at the lemon layers AND that buttery crust.  

Ok.  I could just stare at these next guys all. day. long.  Straight up.  They're gorgeous.  They're Meyer Lemon Tarts from Cherry Tea Cakes.
it's like having your very own pie.  or 2.  or 3.
I'm not really a cake/cupcake kinda fat kid, I'd rather have cookies or a donut any day over cake.  BUT, I do make an exception for Lemon Cakes.  Yep, it's really the gift that keeps on giving.  Like these cupcakes, oozing with decadent lemon curd......from ChocolateSuze, here are her Lemon cupcakes with lemon curd filling & lemon cream cheese frosting.  Now that's a mouthful.  Literally.
so sexy.
keeping with cakes, wanna know a killer combo?  Of course you do!  :)  Get ready for it:  Lemon & Blueberry.  It's sick.  Ridiculous.  I'm straight up taking deep breaths over these little ones, Lemon Blueberry Capcakes over at Annie's Eats.  
Gorgeous.  That is all.
Here's a pretty one from Country Living (yep), amply named lemon cake. 
so damn pretty!
Not only is this gorgeous photography, but these look pretty damn good, too!  Yummy Lemon Burst Cookies from Tidy Mom.
seriously, I could frame.  and eat every cookie on that plate.  
I'm thinking I may have to do a part 2 at some point--there are SO MANY lemon shots (EVERYBODY!) and recipes I want to share.  Alass, it is Friday night and I need to get my Lemon MGD 64 on.  Bitches.
Alright friends, have an awesome weekend!!!!

Big (Tart) Smile, 

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