Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Figured I should give ya s'more....

No really, cause it's been 9 days since the last post.  Really B Chen?  Really?  Really.  What was I thinking adding another blog?  I'll tell you what I was thinking--I freaking LOVE food.  And I wanna stare.  That's why.

So, today I've done a cheesy play on words and I'll be showing you some s'mores.   Not just any boring-ass s'more--no, no, that's another blog.  I'll be showing some s'mores on crack.  And s'mores with a twist.  And not-so-s'mores s'mores.

Let's do it.

S'mores Bites

oooh oooh sexy S'mores Turnover

sweet baby jesus, look at that chocolate!
I choose this next one because it litterally made me GASP when I saw it....S'mores Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies!!!!

How bout a S'more Pie?
shut up and feed me.

Remember how I'm not a huge cake fan?  Well, I'd get over that for a slice of this S'mores Cake.

So, I hope you enjoyed s'more food porn--I did!  

Big (s'more) Smile,

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